

Sacro-Occipital Technique is a gentle technique that uses an indicator system to find, treat, and re-check stress points and dysfunctions in the body. SOT primarily works with two biggest bones of the spine – the cranium and the sacrum (hip area). This is used stabilize hip region, un-torque the spine, balance the neurological signals from the brain, and help the body to re-align to its correct position. All adjustments to the spine and cranium are done with intention, nothing is done without reason.

Common conditions treated with SOT in ADULTS:

  • Ligament laxity
  • TMJ dysfunction
  • Constant recurring headaches and migraines
  • Sciatica
  • Acute and Chronic lower back pain
  • Neck pain with or without radiation

Common Conditions treated with SOT in PEDIATRICS:

  • Coordination problems
  • TMJ dysfunction
  • Nursing issues in babies
  • Milestone developmental issues (skipping milestones, not reaching milestones, etc.)
  • Colic
  • Torticollis
  • Hyperactivity disorders*

*Chiropractic SOT/Cranial Manipulations do not treat ADHD, ADD or other attention and speech deficit disorders. But they do help alleviate and decrease symptoms associated with said disorders.


Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Technique or P-DTR is a manual muscle technique that is an extension of Applied Kinesiology. The technique helps to balance the neurological networks and receptors throughout the body. In order to move a joint, you need the nerves to feed into the muscle, then the muscle to move the joint. If there is an imbalance in the receptors that are in the body, then it can affect the muscle to be constantly firing (HYPERtonic) or not fire (HYPOtonic) as it is supposed to. P-DTR is an accurate way to find distortion patterns throughout the body, and a quick way to treat all different types of injuries from head to toe.


Graston or guā shā – originates from Traditional Chinese Medicine. The technique is a way to induce inflammation in the tissue, specifically the fascial layer, to break down scar tissue. Scar tissue are often found in the fascial layer of the muscle, and under magnification they look like random arrangement without a specific pattern. This causes the scars to be restricting and limiting in motion for muscles to properly glide ontop of one another – preventing them to work in unity. Graston breaks down those type of scars in the fascial layer, to allow new scars to form in the correct orientation as the fibers in the muscle. The muscles can then glide better and properly as they work together to move the body. Graston is often used in conjunction with other chiropractic techniques.
